Luke 1:80 Encouragement

December 7, 2013Pastor's Blog

Growing Strength – Luke 1:80 “And the child grew and became strong in spirit; and he lived in the desert until he appeared publicly to Israel.” I don’t know about you – but I don’t know anyone who relishes the thought of time in the desert, alone. I certainly don’t. My “fail-safe” in times of … Read More

Luke 1:67 Encouragement

December 6, 2013Pastor's Blog

After nine months of silence, Zechariah has something to say! Of course, it’s not just that he’s been bursting to talk, or even that nine months of reflection has led to such deep insights. The Holy Spirit fills Zechariah. Zechariah’s song is all about God’s mercy. There is the mercy of being noticed. God has … Read More

Luke 1:41-47 Encouragement

December 5, 2013Pastor's Blog

brand new life 2grow There’s a sweet joy we experience emotionally when we see a newborn baby. Children, and especially babies, demonstrate the meaning of true faith to us. For the baby, there is no one more important to baby than mommy and daddy. Baby is also quick to let others know of their displeasure. … Read More

Luke 1:35 Encouragement

December 4, 2013Pastor's Blog

There are only two other stories in the bible where the word “overshadow” was used: the story of the Mount of Transfiguration (Matt. 17:5, Mark 9:7, and Luke 9:34) and the story of Peter’s shadow being able to heal the sick (Acts 5:15). Both stories illustrate unimaginable moments where God’s presence and supernatural power was … Read More

Luke 1:17 Encouragement

December 3, 2013Pastor's Blog

Luke 1:17 says, “ And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the parents to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous- to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” During this Advent season, it’s a time where … Read More

Luke 1:15 Encouragement

December 2, 2013Pastor's Blog

Filled with What? Luke 1:15 tells us that Jesus was a man who was filled with the Holy Spirit. Often people look at the ability Jesus to overcome sin, deal with life’s issues and pain. However, we now know why, he was filled with the Holy Spirit. God was always with Jesus, just like he … Read More

Malachi 4:2 Encouragement

November 30, 2013Pastor's Blog

Healing – Even in the Shadows Malachi 4:2 “But for you who revere my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in its  wings.” Are you waiting on healing? Are you battling a physical ailment or emotional wound that perhaps, has crippled your faith? Read the Scripture again…”for you who revere my name, … Read More

Isaiah 7:13-15 Encouragement

November 29, 2013Pastor's Blog

If there is a sad part to the way people celebrate Christmas, it is that most have no idea what the birth of Jesus really means. It is not really about the happy, tender scene of the manger setting. • It is actually about God becoming man • It is a story of suffering and … Read More

Psalm 23:4 Encouragement

November 28, 2013Pastor's Blog

God Comforts Thru the Valleys Have you ever considered the difference between the rod and the staff? Psalm 23 is one of the world’s most well-known Scripture passages. Here, verse 4 reminds believers that the Holy Spirit (the good Shepherd) is present in all of life’s circumstances to direct our steps and guide us. Rod- … Read More

Joshua 1:9 Encouragement

November 27, 2013Pastor's Blog

UNSHAKABLE COURAGE To best understand the challenge of this verse, read Joshua 1:2-9. Joshua was about to face a momentous, risky, humanly impossible task. Against the dark backdrop of fear (and giants), God knew that Joshua needed courage. So Joshua was given the greatest promise He could have heard- “the Lord your God will be … Read More