God Comforts Thru the Valleys

Have you ever considered the difference between the rod and the staff? Psalm 23 is one of the world’s most well-known Scripture passages. Here, verse 4 reminds believers that the Holy Spirit (the good Shepherd) is present in all of life’s circumstances to direct our steps and guide us.

Rod- In Old Testament times, a ‘rod’ symbolized an object used to administer authority. This rod is a long stick that usually had a knob at the end of it. Shepherds used rods to correct and direct their sheep. Our heavenly Father is a good shepherd who directs and corrects our steps through life’s valleys.

Staff- In contrast, the staff symbolizes an instrument of protection. Shepherds used staffs to draw sheep closely together or to gently bring back a wandering sheep. A staff is a long stick with a hook at one end. This hook is used to save a strayed sheep that needs rescuing in order to survive. Our heavenly Shepherd wants to rescue us from sin and the valleys of life so we can know him intimately.

Read Psalm 16. A fully devoted follower of Christ submits to the authority and protection of the Shepherd. This means the Holy Spirit will sometimes lead you into valleys that are uncomfortable. As life gets uncomfortable, rely on the voice of the Good Shepherd who comforts you by His authority and guidance.  Then, you will know the comfort of the Shepherd through life’s valleys.

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