The Living, Active Voice

June 17, 2015Pastor's Blog

1 Samuel 3 As a Christian, you have the ability to hear the voice and direction of the Holy Spirit for everyday life. Faith is defined by Hebrews 11:1, while faithfulness is defined as a consistent lifestyle of making right choices. Samuel demonstrates an ability to hear God’s voice even when he doesn’t recognize the … Read More

Hannah’s Heart

June 16, 2015Pastor's Blog

“Then Hannah prayed and said: ‘My heart rejoices in the Lord; in the Lord my horn is lifted high. My mouth boasts over my enemies, for I delight in Your deliverance. There is no one holy like the Lord; there is no one besides You; there is no Rock like our God.’” (1 Sam. 2:1-2 … Read More

We Already Won

June 15, 2015Pastor's Blog

And Hannah prayed and said, “My heart exults in the Lord; my horn is exalted in the Lord. My mouth derides my enemies, because I rejoice in your salvation. (1 Samuel 2:1 ESV) Hannah had been barren the majority of her life (1 Samuel 1:2). Her husband’s other wife though, had no problem bearing children. … Read More

Ruth 4:13-22

June 12, 2015Pastor's Blog

Naomi had experienced many troubles and losses in her life and she became depressed. One loss built upon another, until she wanted to give up. But Naomi had a priceless treasure that she didn’t see; Ruth! Even though Naomi didn’t realize it herself, those looking from the outside saw God’s providential care for her through … Read More

Ruth 4:1-12

June 11, 2015Pastor's Blog

Boaz realizes he is meant to care for Ruth and her mother-in-law, since they have so little left. He takes on the burden for them, which gives them renewed hope and life. In this story, we see the drama of Christ’s redemption acted out in miniature; this is only a foreshadowing of what Jesus did … Read More

A Most Honorable Proposal

June 10, 2015Pastor's Blog

Ruth 3 While Ruth’s act towards Boaz might look abominable, a closer examination of the context provides a much different perspective. Ruth & Boaz provide hope to those who have waited patiently for marriage and for those needing to be refreshed in God’s grace working through faith. V.9: Ruth’s comment to Boaz is a proposal … Read More

Your Attitude of Faith has Eternal Implications

June 9, 2015Pastor's Blog

Who could have imagined the eternal implications of Ruth’s faithfulness to Naomi? Choosing to leave her homeland, family & all she knew in obedience. Think it was a simple act? Ruth’s faithfulness is Naomi led to a place in the royal lineage of Christ! Ruth 2 provides a clear picture of her servant heart as … Read More

Strong, Determined, and Submissive

June 8, 2015Pastor's Blog

Ruth 1 Today’s reading, Ruth chapter one, really sets the stage for what is to come and tells us a lot about Ruth’s character. Why do you think she decided to do as she did? What can you take from that for yourself? Strong, determined… and submissive?? I can’t honestly say what many people would … Read More

Philippians 3

June 4, 2015Pastor's Blog

“I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (PHILIPPIANS 3:14) Saul, the young man who was to become the Apostle Paul, knew what it was to strive to please God by fulfilling requirements of the religion in which he’d been raised. Everything that … Read More

Be Glad and Rejoice

June 3, 2015Pastor's Blog

Philippians 2:12-30 Theologians have often suggested this letter’s theme centers around joy. God’s grace empowers us to not only live life, but to live life well. How should we be glad and rejoice? vs. 12-18- Paul begins with an exhortation to ‘do everything without complaining and arguing’. Paul is clear that the Holy Spirit provides … Read More