1 Samuel 22

July 14, 2015Pastor's Blog

“All those who were is distress or in debt or discontented gathered around him, and he became their commander. About four hundred men were with him.” (1 Samuel 22:2) That’s me: discontent, in distress, broken. We all show up that way on God’s doorstep. The world screaming FAILURE in our ears & doubt clouds our … Read More

Master of Redemption

July 13, 2015Pastor's Blog

1 Samuel 21:10-22:2   As I glanced through the mail, some words on a card from a charitable organization caught my eye: WE NEED YOUR DISCARDS! The meaning was straightforward and simple: Whatever you don’t want, we’ll take. Those household items you call rubbish, rejects, throwaways, and junk, we’ll use to help people in need. … Read More

Summer of Faith

July 10, 2015Pastor's Blog

In I Samuel 20 Saul is determined to kill David to protect his royal lineage, but Saul’s son Johnathon (the heir to his throne) was even more determined to bless and protect his friend. Neither David nor Johnathon could reason with Saul, let alone persuade him to act honorably, but they could choose to act … Read More

1 Samuel 19

July 9, 2015Pastor's Blog

You’ll see in 1 Samuel 19 that David had three friends who saved his life.   Saul’s son Jonathan loved David as his best friend, and he saved David on multiple occasions.  David’s wife Michal saved David’s life twice, and then Samuel saved David’s life multiple times.  Just as God placed friends in David’s life to save him, he has also placed … Read More

Faith Filled, or Fear Driven?

July 8, 2015Pastor's Blog

1 Samuel 18 Corresponding actions should follow a lifestyle filled with faith where Jesus is at the center. Inversely, corresponding actions will follow a lifestyle driven by fear. Which one are you living in? The fear symptons outline this chapter. See if any of these apply to you. Fear of man: Saul was angry and … Read More

1 Samuel 17

July 7, 2015Pastor's Blog

“…’I cannot go in these,’ he said to Saul, ‘because I am not used to them.’ So he took them off.” (1 Samuel 17:39b, NIV) You know the story: small shepherd boy David (future king) defies the odds & defeats Goliath with a slingshot & single stone. Before the Israelite army stood a seemingly insurmountable … Read More

God Looks at the Heart

July 6, 2015Pastor's Blog

1 Samuel 16: 7 The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart. (NIV) We are accustomed to reading this verse and thinking about others. We know that we cannot tell what is really going on with a person simply … Read More

Summer of Faith

July 3, 2015Pastor's Blog

I Samuel 15 God selected Saul to be Israel’s first king, then He sent him on a mission. His task was clearly articulated; he was to completely destroy the entire population of the Amalekites (including animals). Saul wiped out every person EXCEPT their king, Agag. He and his army also kept all the animals that … Read More

1 Samuel 14

July 2, 2015Pastor's Blog

In looking at the passage in 1 Samuel, Jonathan seemed to be in a situation of uncertainty. The future, the absolute direction he needed for the present time just was not clear. All he could say in v.6 was “It may be…” He couldn’t be sure one way or the other. He seemed to, and … Read More

Familiar or Faith-filled?

July 1, 2015Pastor's Blog

1 Samuel 13 In v. 8-10, Saul grows tired of waiting for Samuel’s arrival so Saul offers the burnt offering to the Lord. Samuel was the one appointed to sacrifice burnt offerings to the Lord (See 1 Sam 10:8). Saul’s lack of faith was demonstrated through this simple act of disobedience, and is reflected by … Read More