1 Samuel 18

Corresponding actions should follow a lifestyle filled with faith where Jesus is at the center. Inversely, corresponding actions will follow a lifestyle driven by fear. Which one are you living in? The fear symptons outline this chapter. See if any of these apply to you.

Fear of man: Saul was angry and jealous as the crowds compared he & David (v.8-9). He didn’t recognize God’s blessing of victory in the midst of battle.

Fear of success: David’s continued success caused him to realize the Lord was with David and not with him (v. 12-13).

Fear of rejection: David’s success made him very popular in Israel and Judah (v. 14-16). Saul tried his best to put David in a position to lose his life.

Do you find yourself comparing your life with others? Do you sometimes find yourself jealous at co-workers? Do you accept responsibility for your own mistakes or are you quick to blame others?

Corresponding faith leads to a lifestyle filled with the fruit of the spirit (Gal. 5:22-23). Corresponding faith responds to the Lord in repentance (Rom 12:1-2). Corresponding faith is never afraid of the success of others (Heb 13:16). When these choices fill your life, you will discover a lifestyle filled with faith. Are you faith-filled or fear-driven?

Jason Marshall

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