2 Samuel 1

July 28, 2015Pastor's Blog

“They mourned and wept and fasted till evening for Saul and his son Jonathan …” (2 Samuel 1:12a) Life … circumstances & people we encountered on a daily basis influencing our thoughts & beliefs shaping us on the journey. In today’s reading, David receives news of Saul’s death. Saul, the man consumed by jealousy who … Read More

Happily Ever After

July 27, 2015Pastor's Blog

1 Samuel 31 These days I read many fairy tales about Princes to my daughters. I think their favorite is Cinderella. A poor girl living in terrible circumstances, marginalized by her evil step-mother and sisters. It seemed that nothing good would ever come her way. When she finally gets the chance to meet a wonderful … Read More

Summer of Faith

July 24, 2015Pastor's Blog

In I Samuel 28-31 we find that David is still on the run. In fact, Saul’s pursuit was so relentless that David moved his family and men to the land of the Philistines, Israel’s arch enemy. Then, David, having been sent away from an approaching battle between Israel and the Philistines, returns home to Ziklag … Read More

1 Samuel 29

July 23, 2015Pastor's Blog

David and his men escaped a terrible situation. They had no way to escape. If they backed off, then the Philistines would immediately sense David’s scheme and destroy them. If they went forward, David and his men would be fighting the Lord and his people.  God intervened into this difficult situation and solved the unsolvable. … Read More

Whom Shall You Fear?

July 22, 2015Pastor's Blog

1 Samuel 28 Perhaps no other chapter in 1 Samuel shows the dangers of living out a lifestyle of evil filled with fear. EVIL FEAR F– Saul fell away from God. Beginning in 1 Samuel 13:9, Saul feared the demands of his soldiers and became unrepentant. E– Saul exalts himself. Saul had already expelled the … Read More

1 Samuel 27

July 21, 2015Pastor's Blog

“But David thought to himself, ‘One of these days I will be destroyed by the hand of Saul. The best thing I can do is escape to the land of the Philistines.’” (1 Samuel 27:1a) Bone tired? I imagine David was when we find him seeking refuge in Philistine lands. Promised to become king yet … Read More

Faith Practice

July 20, 2015Pastor's Blog

1 Samuel 26:1-6 Saul was after David. He was literally chasing him down. David had done absolutely nothing wrong. Saul was just jealous and paranoid. But David was in trouble. That is what makes this story so surprising – David finally had Saul in a place where David could end his own troubles by ending … Read More

Let Go and Let God

July 17, 2015Pastor's Blog

Summer of Faith In I Samuel 25 we learn that David and his men spent months protecting wealthy Nabal’s herds and shepherds. When the bountiful time of shearing came they expected payment. But instead of blessing those who had helped him, Nabal, true to his name (fool) sends them away empty-handed and even insults the … Read More

1 Samuel 24

July 16, 2015Pastor's Blog

The relationship between David and King Saul is one of the strangest ever recorded in the Bible. David came to Saul’s rescue on several occasions, he was best friends with the king’s son, and he married the king’s daughter. But still, Saul was out to get the former shepherd boy. Twice Saul tried to spear … Read More

Seek the Lord

July 15, 2015Pastor's Blog

1 Samuel 23 We know early on in life that David had the favor of God resting on him. Here, we begin to discover David as a man seeking after the Lord rather than a man seeking the hand of God. Several times in this chapter, he seeks the Lord. 2- In courage- David could … Read More