1 Samuel 28

Perhaps no other chapter in 1 Samuel shows the dangers of living out a lifestyle of evil filled with fear.


F– Saul fell away from God. Beginning in 1 Samuel 13:9, Saul feared the demands of his soldiers and became unrepentant.

E– Saul exalts himself. Saul had already expelled the mediums from the land (vs. 3) but deciding that the law didn’t apply to him, he consulted a medium (witch) (v. 7).

A– Saul avoids the counsel of God’s people- Saul seeks out the foolish counsel of a medium because the word of the Lord had become elusive to him. (v. 6)

R– Saul rejects God’s anointed. Saul is still filled with hatred towards David even though David has spared Saul’s life twice (Ch. 24 & 26).

HOLY FEAR produces a lifestyle of faith.

  1. Confess any known sins to the Lord. Ask the Lord to reveal to you anything you are doing that is displeasing to Him. (1 John 1:9)
  1. Make a choice to follow Him today and reject the pride of sinful choices. Repentance means to turn away from sin and go in an opposite direction. (Romans 10:9-10)
  1. Choose to love. See if you hold any ill feelings towards anyone. Offer this to the Lord, and ask God to help you forgive him/her. (Hebrews 12:14-15)
  1. Seek Godly counsel from the Lord and from the body of Christ. (Proverbs 19:20-21).

Whom shall you fear? Do you fear the Lord?

Jason Marshall

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