Exodus 33:13-14 Encouragement

November 26, 2013Pastor's Blog

Exodus 33:13-14 says, “Now therefore, I pray thee, if I have found Grace in your sight, show me now your ways, that I may know you, that I may find Grace in your sight: and consider that this nation is your people. And He said, My Presence shall go with you, and I will give … Read More

Genesis 3:14-15 Encouragement

November 25, 2013Pastor's Blog

The First Gospel When we think about “The Gospel” (good news) we automatically think about Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John found in the New Testament. However, Genesis 3:14-15 gives us a first glimpse of how God understands of the struggles of life that we go through. This verse declares that God’s kingdom will be established … Read More

November 18, 2013Pastor's Blog

We finished our Acts reading & next Monday we will begin our Advent devotionals. Why not read a chapter a day of Ephesians this week since we our guest speaker referenced it so often in his sermon on truly knowing the love of God.

Acts 28:17-31 Encouragement

November 15, 2013Pastor's Blog

Acts began with a few believers being commissioned to preach the glorious gospel at Jerusalem, then in all Judea, then in Samaria, and then to the uttermost part of the earth. Now, as Acts closes, the gospel has reached the center of the world and is being proclaimed by thousands throughout the whole world. Sometimes … Read More

Acts 28:1-16 Encouragement

November 14, 2013Pastor's Blog

The Holy Spirit supernaturally protects Paul, provides for Paul’s needs both physically and relationally, and empowers Paul among those in which he shares life. As a prisoner for the Lord, Paul leads others wisely. 1. Scripture’s reference to a viper (vs 3) indicates that a poisonous snake bit Paul. There is evidence from scripture that … Read More

Acts 27:1-44 Encouragement

November 13, 2013Pastor's Blog

This story isn’t really about Paul. It isn’t really about you and your storms. This is about 276 people who encountered a storm- a storm that rocked their sense of safety and control. No one’s experience, hard work, wisdom, power, influence (or chains) mattered any more. It appeared everyone was equally lost. 275 people embodied … Read More

Acts 25:13-26 Encouragement

November 12, 2013Pastor's Blog

In our scripture reading, we begin reading where Paul was now standing trial before King Agrippa. As Paul pleads his case and tells of his conversion, he tells that God has appointed him to open the eyes of the ones that didn’t know him, from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to … Read More

Acts 25:1-12 Encouragement

November 11, 2013Pastor's Blog

Prosecutor to Defendant In this passage we see the Apostle Paul standing trail. As I read this passage I am reminded of when we first encounter Paul (Saul), he was this prosecutor who was vigilant on charging all those who calls on Jesus as their savior. In, fact in Acts 7 Paul was responsible for … Read More

Acts 24:1-27 Encouragement

November 9, 2013Pastor's Blog

It is concerning the resurrection of the dead that I am on trial before you today.  (Acts 24:21)  Jesus is alive today.  That fact should create problems and peace for you. It did for Paul. In chapter 24 Paul is on trial in front of King Felix, the Pharisees that hate him, and a watching … Read More

Acts 23:12-35 Encouragement

November 8, 2013Pastor's Blog

This passage shows us that even God’s most chosen servants face trials, but God’s plan prevails. We often wonder in life, “Why me?” when we are facing particularly difficult circumstances. The Christian life is described as warfare against evil.  Paul even writes to Timothy, “In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in … Read More