December 23rd. Two days away from Christmas. Most of us are working hard to get everything ready. We are working hard because we want the day to be filled with joy and love. There is a great sense of anticipation and joy for Christmas morning to finally get here. That’s how Jesus, “the Word made … Read More
Month: December 2017
Study The Word and Search The Scriptures
So, you’ve been reading this devotional, you come to Cornerstone, you love God and have committed your life to Him. Those things are all awesome! You’ve been reading your Bible and you and your family are growing in your spirituality – taking a journey that will yield much fruit. As you approach this day, I … Read More
Love The Word and Let It Dwell In Our Hearts
Here it says that the word and the law of God is sweeter than honey on the lips of the person receiving it and meditating on it day and night, which is what we’re all called to do. Not just pastors, directors, and teachers, but followers of Christ. Now I’m not saying that every word … Read More
Feed On The Word, For It Is Our Spiritual Food
During this time of year, we all look forward to the holidays because we get to feast on lots of delicious food! Each year, we gather around the table and we get to enjoy the food and fellowship with family and friends. It’s a time that we look forward to all year long. However, the … Read More
Teach The Word to Our Children
While stationed in Hawaii, a few months before my beautiful daughter Tia was born, I was given a Bible from my parents for Christmas. When Tia would cry, I would read it to her and she would instantly quiet down. If I stopped reading, she would cry again, so I would read more and she … Read More
The Word Guides Us and is a Light to Our Path
How would you feel having to travel alone through a dark and lonely forest at night without any light? I am sure none of us would volunteer for this! The world we live in has become a very dark place – dark because of willful sin and its seeming pleasure, causing many to walk around … Read More
The Word Cleanses Us Spiritually
The word cleanses us spiritually. When I think of this, I think of Psalm 119:9. How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your Word. I know the psalmist uses the word “young” in this scripture. I personally think it pertains to anyone who is trying to live … Read More
The Word Is Truth
Most of us know that when you put your ear up to the inside of a shell, you can hear what sounds like the ocean. You could take that shell home and put it on your coffee table to admire. However, when the shell is sitting on the coffee table, you cannot hear this “ocean” … Read More
Meditating In The Word Causes Prosperity and Success
The Bible is full of God’s promises and commands, and I had read this verse many times (Joshua 1:8), but it did not impact or changed my life until I read it and accepted as a command from God. Accepting it as a command from God pushed me to be consistent on studying and meditating … Read More
The Word Gives Us Faith, Truth, Wisdom, and Strength
I remember going through a season of my Christian walk where I was told to “trust your feelings.” We were taught with good intentions meaning to feel for the Holy Spirit, but there was an over-emphasis on that “feeling” word. Sometimes when we are seeking for an answer from God in hard times – and … Read More