How would you feel having to travel alone through a dark and lonely forest at night without any light?  I am sure none of us would volunteer for this!

The world we live in has become a very dark place – dark because of willful sin and its seeming pleasure, causing many to walk around in darkness, unable to see their way.  They have been blinded from the truth of God’s Word because of their rejection of it and their refusal to obey it.  We know these people, we see them every day.  Some of them are our family members, coworkers, neighbors, children, spouses, friends and even our church brothers and sisters.

Psalm 19:8 Commandment of Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes

Psalm 119:105 Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and light unto my path

God offers light to all that are walking in darkness.  That light is God’s Word.  God’s Word is a lamp for our feet and a light for our path.  To walk in the light God offers us, we must study, learn, and most of all, believe God’s Word.  Then, we must do what the Word says, we must apply it to our lives daily.

The light (God’s Word) makes God’s direction for us clear and visible.  If we allow God’s lamp to light our path, we will not trip and fall in this dark world.  Consider God’s Word to be a flashlight in darkness.  Without it, you are unable to see where you are going.  Therefore, we must carry the Word of God with us always.  Thy Word have I hidden in my heart that I might not sin against you.  Psalm 119: 11

Donna Angone