Life in Six Words-G.O.S.P.E.L. God. Our. Sins. Paying. Everyone. Life.

 Life – with Jesus starts now and lasts forever

“But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:14 

Life has a tendency to dry up our reserves and leave us empty. In John 4 Jesus met the woman at the well while the disciples were off getting take-out. She had tried to quench the longings of her heart with a string of “gone wrong” relationships. She was parched and yearning for something lasting that she could depend on. Perhaps others had vowed to stay with her-but on that hot afternoon she was alone and empty.

Hope probably seemed far away…and then came Jesus! He offered to quench her thirst with something that would bring satisfaction in this life and for eternity. I imagine that it seemed too good to be true and yet hope springs eternal and she took the cup He offered-a cup overflowing with new eternal life and almost immediately it began to spring up touching those around her.

That’s how it is for us too. We may be searching for something that is missing in life, we may find ourselves in a dry and lonely place…but Jesus is crossing our path so everything can change! And if you’ve already had that initial conversation you’ve begun to experience that new life. Thankfully the life that He gives will never fall to the ravages of time…it will remain eternally fresh and new.

Today, ask Jesus to give you opportunities to let that new life overflow into the lives around you and watch as Jesus changes everything in you and them…now and for eternity!

 Pastor Sandy





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