SUNDAY, January 23
Acts 2.3-4
“They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.”
In the Old Testament we see God moving on behalf of His people through wind and fire. He brought them out of Egypt led by a pillar of cloud and fire. He parted the sea and the Jordan by the breath of His presence. He consumed the soaked offering with divine fire defeating King Ahab and his prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18). As the people journeyed through the wilderness the cloud and fire rested above the Tabernacle (Exodus 40.38).
Now the Spirit of God is sweeping in the sound of a mighty wind and resting on each of His people gathered in unity. These disciples, men and women gathered to worship and wait, are the new Israel. And they are given a great gift: new tongues through which to intercede and celebrate.
Way to Worship
We are made in the image of God to know Him and make Him known. Raise your arms in praise. Bow low before the Lord in worship. He has made you to meet with Him, to know Him. Amen! Fix your eyes on Jesus.
Suggested Song:
Spiritual by Kirk Franklin
Way to Wait
Come before the Lord with expectancy, seeking His presence. Be still and know that He is God. Gather with family, friends and the people of our fellowship to wait on the Lord anew.