2 Samuel 11

August 11, 2015Pastor's Blog

King David, a man after God’s own heart, caught looking. He wasn’t hurting anyone by just looking, was he? Trouble is, what started as a look, became an inquiry which lead to action ultimately costing the lives of Bathsheba’s husband & child. Rarely is sin so bold walking up to you, introducing itself while you … Read More

Summer of Faith

August 7, 2015Pastor's Blog

  In 2 Samuel 9 David actively searched for someone from his former enemy’s family that he could bless. David never forgot his oath of loyalty to Saul’s son, Johnathon even though it was made long ago. In doing this, David walked out one of Christ’s commands before He ever shared them. In Luke 6:27-28 Jesus … Read More

2 Samuel 8

August 6, 2015Pastor's Blog

For many years, David had very little power. He was put out in the fields to keep a small flock of sheep for his family. When Samuel came to anoint Israel’s future king from among the sons of Jesse, David was not even considered a possibility. They had to be instructed to bring him in … Read More

Your Kingdom or God’s Kingdom?

August 5, 2015Pastor's Blog

2 Samuel 7 War has ended in the land and a time of peace is beginning. Many scholars believe ch. 7 actually occurs after 2 Samuel 8. David desires to build a temple for the ark of the covenant, but the Lord instructs him that his son would build the temple in a future generation. … Read More

2 Samuel 6

August 4, 2015Pastor's Blog

“David was afraid of the Lord that day & said, ‘How can the ark of the Lord ever come to me?’ He was not willing to take the ark of the Lord to be with him in the City of David. Instead …”     (2 Samuel 6:9-10a) Faith instead of fear Encounters with God or answers … Read More

Consult With God

August 3, 2015Pastor's Blog

2 Samuel 5 King David was up against a familiar foe. Years before as a young shepherd boy, he had faced down Goliath, the top Philistine warrior, by killing him with a well-placed stone (1 Sam. 17). Now David was king of Israel, and here come the Philistines again! They heard he was king, and … Read More

Summer of Faith

July 31, 2015Pastor's Blog

2 Samuel 4 Although Saul persecuted David for many years David was gracious in his dealings with him and 2 Samuel 4 showcases this. Considering David’s ill treatment we may wonder why. I believe in part it was because David respected the office of king that Saul had held and that respect was extended to Saul’s children. … Read More

2 Samuel 3

July 30, 2015Pastor's Blog

“They buried Abner in Hebron; and the king lifted up his voice and wept at the grave of Abner, and all the people wept… now all the people took note of it, and it pleased him.” 2 Samuel 3: 31-36 David wasn’t playing the hypocrite. His enemy Abner had been brutally killed by one of … Read More

Season of Transition

July 29, 2015Pastor's Blog

2 Samuel 2 Whenever there is a change of leadership, it is not uncommon for power struggles and conflict to follow. Abner sets Ish-bosheth as king over Israel while David becomes king over Judah. When we are in a season of transition, there are a few ways we can let faith in Christ become a … Read More