Pastor Travis shared from Luke 15 about a woman and her missing coin. This parable was a response to the zealously religious of Jesus’s day, who were offended that He was spending time with society’s outcasts. But His reply and her example impart lessons for us today as well.

This woman had ten coins, but these were no ordinary coins, each was part of a wedding collection given to brides that evidenced her being a member of her husband’s family. These coins were respected by society and treasured most by the bride herself, so losing one would have been humiliating and might’ve been characterized as carelessness on the bride’s part. They were an important reminder and proof of family membership.

So she did four things:

First, she realized that something precious was missing and she resolved herself to immediate action.

Second, she used her limited resources to light a lamp.

Third, she began sweeping EVERYWHERE until she found it.

Fourth, she rejoiced when it was located.

We too are in a covenanted family relationship (with Christ) and these present day “coins” could symbolize those who are far from their place in God’s family today.

So what should we do? The same four things!

First, we need to realize that even one person far from Christ is too many. Each one is a treasure to Jesus so they should be to us as well! What is the worth of an eternal soul? Considering the price God was willing to pay to redeem them, incredibly high I’d say.

Second, because things tend to get lost in the dark, we must choose to be a light where we are. No light will reach every place of darkness…but each light no matter how small can dispel some darkness.

Third, how much effort will it take to find those lost? I believe some are right in front of us, ready to be picked up and taken in now. Others lie below the surface and still others are deeply buried, far from view; thankfully though the Spirit knows the location of each missing one. And as Pastor Travis shared: we are each called to be searchers. So if the mission is to find God’s lost treasure then how much effort could be too much?

Finally, in Luke 12:34, Jesus said where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. He rejoices over each one found! He demonstrated His treasure by the living expressions of His heart. In other words, He showed them that they were valuable by loving them into the kingdom. He didn’t just tell them they were prized; His life expressed it every day. It’s the same today; our willingness to greatly value and then diligently search for those far from God will put us in a place to help love them into the kingdom too. Today may we follow His example and watch as the cherished lost become found and our family inches closer to completion!

Pastor Sandy Anderson
Connections Pastor


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