Why we Serve:

This week we make a resolve to serve joyfully. Many times we focus on the “what” of serving, and not on the “why” of serving. I believe if we could conquer the “why”, the “what” would flow naturally from our lives. The Bible says in Romans 12:1 “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship, and the least you could do.”

In the Old Testament God’s people offered animal sacrifices as a thanksgiving to God because he showed His mercy to them. Now, God wants us to offer our lives as a thanksgiving to God. It is the only proper response to all that God has done for us. When we learn that serving is worship and worship is a response to God’s mercy, we began to serve with new purpose. There are two key things that stand out in this passage: 1. “in view of God’s mercy”- We need to always keep Gods mercy on the forefront of our minds. 2. “Living sacrifice”- God does not want “dead” sacrifices/people that just come to church, but He wants us to be alive, serving at all times. Think about ways this week to serve God by serving your church, family, and co-workers.

Pastor Travis Jones

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