Have Faith Like a Child

Jesus addresses a multitude of topics in Mark 10, but consider those who receive God’s blessing. In vs. 15. Jesus tells His disciples to receive faith like a little child. In vs. 47, the blind, helpless begger cries to Jesus for mercy. Jesus grants His request because of His faith. How do we have faith like a child?

1. Believe in your spouse- The Pharisees were all about following the law, but God ordained the marriage covenant to not to be broken. He also expected spouses to build each other’s faith (1 The. 5:11) in Christ.

2. Believe in God’s treasures vs. worldly treasures. Though we can’t see the riches we are storing in heaven, God calls us to surrender our worldly treasures for heavenly wealth.

3. Believe in God’s mission for you. James and John (v. 35-45) desired something that belonged to someone else. We must have faith in God’s mission for us, and not covet someone else’s blessings.

Children are like sponges…they soak in whatever they are taught without questioning the truthfulness of their perceptions of life. May our faith in Jesus be so strong that we seek to know His grace operating in every area of our lives. Then, we will fully trust Jesus in the middle of our questions that never get answered.

If you are married, love your spouse. Discover God’s treasures. Have faith in the mission God has ordained for your life. You are called to have faith like a child!

 Pastor Jason Marshall


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