Pastor Shawn shared from Numbers on how the Israelites came to the doorway of the Promised Land but turned away due to challenges. We too, have a land of promise from God, but what can we expect to find there? In a word-giants! Every land of promise will have giants that aren’t going to take too kindly to getting booted out. They’ve hunkered down and have no plans to go anywhere without a fight.

Here are their names;

“Different”-One of the scary things about our promised land is that much of it is filled with the great unknown. It’s not what we’re used to and we already know that we are unskilled at what is new, so we hesitate. Yes, the unknown can be unnerving until we remember that our promised land has been lovingly crafted by the One that nothing is unknown to. He sees all and has a plan to use differences to bring diversity to our lives, which grows our faith and usability.

“Discouragement”-This giant uses his friend Different to distract and intimidate us and if we get past him, Discouragement is waiting. We’ve failed before and discouragement whispers in our ear that the past is getting ready to be repeated- yet again and so we stop. But the voice of God is calling us to march forward, as He grows every skill He’s entrusted to us.

“Difficult”-This giant is bigger than the other two because it dares us to match our strength with its. The spies compared their stature to the giants and they came up way short! But Joshua and Caleb had another equation in mind! Instead of giants versus Israelites, they compared the giants’ stature to the greatness of their God and the giants came up way short! But sadly the Israelites took a step back when they decided to listen to the voice of the majority. There will always be difficulties but God will use them to grow and prepare us for victory.

The final giant is named “Delay” and if the others don’t get you to turn back, this one might. He stands ready to just wait us out. Delays play on our difficulties and discouragements, which after time can test our resolve and make us question if we heard from God in the first place…but make no mistake; God has a promised land that He’s calling us to and ours is flowing with milk and honey too. But before we can enjoy it we must move through the doors of opportunity that He’s provided.

Will it be scary? Yep. Anything that’s different, discouraging, difficult and delay-filled always is. It’s more than we can do, stand or possess on our own. But Joshua and Caleb had a secret weapon-they had the power and presence of God on their side and so do we!

Our promised land awaits; let us choose to fix our eyes not on the giants but on the greatness of our God and then walk through the door He’s opened, together!

Sandy Anderson
Connections Pastor



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