Exodus 36 isn’t just about building God’s temple; it’s rich with life patterns that God showcases for His children. Moses’s call eventually included “…every skilled person to whom the Lord had given ability…” What a beautiful reminder that each person has been endowed by their Creator with certain skills and abilities that can help make a place where His glory can dwell!

It’s a blessing to know that as we formed in our mother’s womb, God, our Creator was investing in us certain abilities and that all the particular good works that God expressly created us to fulfill can be accomplished with our Father’s intentional endowments.

But verse two shares a prerequisite to accomplishing those determined works. It says that Moses’s call included all who were willing to come and do the work.” Don’t miss the fact that skills weren’t enough; they also had to be willing to do and willing to give! Some gave gems, some gold, others gave time or talents, the offerings were as different as the individuals-but all were to give. Just imagine if we were moved to extravagantly give of ourselves to the point where we had to be restrained like the Israelites!

Today ask the Lord what He’s invested in you that can be offered up for His glory. And if we agree to His requests, I believe that our “offerings” will add up to be “more than enough to do all the work” that He’s called us individually and corporately to accomplish!

Pastor Sandy


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