Romans 14:13-23

There will always be topics where Christians will differ in their beliefs and/or life practices, but Paul is exhorting the church to love that comes from the Holy Spirit and builds unity. This love is expressed through righteousness, peace, and joy.

1. Righteousness- (vs 13-18).Paul addresses the legalism of some spiritually mature, early believers who were overly concerned with the dietary choices of other believers in the body of Christ. God calls us to obedience through a loving motivation to draw near to God, which also compels others to draw near to Him.

2. Peace (vs 19-21). Struggling believers need God’s help breaking free from life-controlling habits. Don’t let your freedom in Christ become a stumbling block for the weak. Instead, promote God’s peace to others by pointing people away from the choices that are causing destruction. Don’t be afraid to address life-controlling issues in others if the Holy Spirit leads you this way.

3. Joy (v 22-23). Having joy in everyday life is a faith choice we make, not an emotion, to focus on the Hope we have in Christ. This Hope is the eternal life we have through salvation in Jesus Christ.

The motivation to love others comes from the witness of the Holy Spirit living in us. We invite the Holy Spirit to lead us as we obey Him. Lead others wisely by loving well, then, the Holy Spirit will compel others to follow Jesus into eternal life.

Pastor Jason Marshall


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