This passage was originally written to the people of Israel, but its truth applies to the present day follower of Jesus. Here are three truths that should make your day.

  • You are holy to the Lord. The word “holy” simply means “set apart.” Each believer has been set apart by the eternal God. You belong to him now and forever.
  • You are chosen by God. God did not choose you because of your inherent goodness. You are a sinner. He did not choose you because he looked down the tunnel of time and saw what a good husband, wife, father, mother, employer, or employee you would be. The choice was based solely on God’s sovereign love.
  • You are God’s treasured possession. That blows my mind. I know my thoughts, attitudes, and desires. I a sinner! And despite who I am, God made me his treasured possession through the amazing work of Jesus. He calls me his son/daughter. I call him my Father. You are a treasured possession of the eternal God. Hold your head high and live like it!

Pastor Rowena

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