The Path is Clear

Are you ready to follow a clear path? Deuteronomy 30 presents a clear path of blessing for those who would trust him for forgiveness of sins and repentance of hearts.

30:1-‘Take them to heart’- Meditate on 30:1. The Lord’s commandments were more than something to be glanced at…they were to be adhered to continually. Romans 12:1-2 describes how to live a lifestyle of repentance.

30:2- ‘Return to the Lord your God and obey him with all your heart’- The Lord longs to forgive those who would trust in His saving grace. Read Romans 10:9-10 to discover a model for receiving Christ’s forgiveness.

30:15-18- Obedience brings life, disobedience brings death. The Lord promises a prosperous life for the Israelites if they would obey him. The path was clear for the Israelites as it is for us: ‘love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him’ (vs. 20).

God’s best for us is not without challenges, but God’s best for us does bring clarity. As a new school year begins, God longs to shower His grace on your life.

Whether you have been faithful in following the Lord, or have fallen away, or have never committed to knowing Jesus as your Savior, make a new commitment to follow the Lord in full repentance. Many life paths lead to destruction, but the path to Jesus leads to the best life: eternal life. Are you ready to fully trust Jesus?

Jason Marshall

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