In Deuteronomy 26 we get a glimpse of God’s perspective on the tithe. He reminds Israel that everything they produce ultimately comes from Him. And it’s the same today; God asks for a tenth of our income, but in truth ALL that we have comes from His loving hand. We give 10% and get to keep 90%, an amazing deal!

But God’s concern doesn’t stop with the tithe. He cares about how we spend the other 90%. This is showcased in part by the “second tithe” that was implemented for the priests, foreigners, the fatherless and widows. Each of these people groups were either without income or marginalized by society. And God said in essence “Care about these people by giving a small part of ALL that I’ve blessed you with to those who have less.” And He expected more than a financial distribution; it was about bringing them into the core of their everyday lives; to be family.

Ultimately, we get to be in community with others so we can share life together; which sounds to me like the early church in the book of Acts. I wonder how the face of our culture would change if every believer gave God permission to direct what we did with our other 90%. I daresay we’d invest a lot more in people and a lot less in stuff; because things are temporary but people are eternal.

Jesus probably wasn’t considered financially well off, but relationally He was rich-so shouldn’t we be investing more in people too?

Pastor Sandy

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