John 1:4 The ‘him’ in this verse is referring to Jesus. The ‘light of men’ refers to the fullness of life God intends for believers (men and women) to demonstrate in the power of the Holy Spirit. Consider the implications of God’s gift of grace through the following everyday examples of public servants. What do … Read More
Pastor’s Blog
Unknown Grace
“Through Him all things were made: without Him nothing was made that has been made.” (John 1:3) We’ve all been there…before we knew God walking in “Unknown Grace”. Sitting here while that Scripture sinks into my soul – I realize even now (though I’ve been saved many years) – there are days I still walk … Read More
He was with God in the beginning
John 1:1 starts the passage by stating that in the beginning was the Word, Jesus, and the Word was God. This does not mean that God had a beginning, because as God He has no beginning; He always was. This quote rather refers to the beginning of creation. John 1:2 states, “He was with God … Read More
Give Grace To: Those Without the Word
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Our theme for the school year at Cornerstone comes from a verse in Hebrews 12:15 that says “see to it that no one misses the Grace of God”. It’s our prayer that we extend the grace of God … Read More
Gladys Alyward
Philippians 4:13 Gladys Alward was a working class London girl who left domestic work to go to China, in the years leading up to World War II. She worked with an older missionary, Jeannie Lawson, to found an inn where traveling merchants could get a hot meal and hear stories from the Bible. Gladys was … Read More
Ann Hasseltine Judson
Ann was the first woman missionary to leave America. It was unthinkable then for women to travel to remote places to work among the unsaved in primitive surroundings. But Ann Judson insisted on going; knowing this was God’s call for her. She wanted to be used by God and prayed, “Direct me in Your service, … Read More
Thankfulness – Elisabeth Elliot
Matthew 10:37-39 We should all be thankful for Elisabeth Elliot, one of the 20th century’s most well-known missionaries. In 1956, she was living in Ecuador, reaching unchurched tribal peoples when her husband, Jim Elliot, and five other missionaries were killed by the Auca tribal people of Eastern Ecuador. Instead of leaving Ecuador, she persevered there … Read More
“Unwavering Faith”
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” (James 1:2-4) Twelve years. Exactly how long it took from the day God … Read More
David and Sherri Godbout
David and Sherri Godbout are U.S. Missionaries with the Assemblies of God in the urban neighborhoods of St. Louis, Missouri. David and Sherri Godbout resigned as full-time Pastors to pursue their call to missions. They have a very simple directive, to make disciples. Their focus is to disciple people in the Gospel of Jesus Christ … Read More
How Shall They Hear?
How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? Romans10:14 Elizabeth Ressen has been a missionary all over Southeast Asia for many years. However, her story of becoming a missionary … Read More