Today’s Prayer:

April 1, 2014God’s Power to Pray For

Jesus, teach me the joy of serving and how serving leads to abundance in my own life. Show me the people around me whom you want me to serve today that I might live in your joy.

Today’s Prayer:

March 31, 2014God’s Power to Pray For

Lord Jesus, forgive me for trying to love and serve people through my own power and wisdom. I ask that the Holy Spirit would come and guide me into serving You to the people around me. Today, I especially pray for the needs of the following people …

Today’s Prayer:

March 29, 2014God’s Power to Pray For

Lord Jesus, teach me to follow the Word of God and establish right boundaries with the people I love. Today, I especially pray for ____________ (name a particular person and sin issue you are dealing with in that relationship).

Today’s Prayer:

March 26, 2014God’s Power to Pray For

Holy Spirit, give me a joy in putting Your Word into the middle of my relationships so grace can also come. Show me how I can do small and practical acts of Your grace that help other people succeed in knowing You, pleasing You, and making right decisions. I especially pray for the following people … Read More

Today’s Prayer:

March 25, 2014God’s Power to Pray For

Dear Jesus, forgive me for pleasing people more than I please You. I need Your wisdom, Your strength, and Your skill. Today, I especially pray that I would love the following people well instead of pleasing them:  

Today’s Prayer:

March 24, 2014God’s Power to Pray For

Lord Jesus, forgive me for not making You the center of the way I love the people around me. I especially give You the following relationships and their needs today …  

Today’s Prayer:

March 22, 2014God’s Power to Pray For

Lord Jesus, I want Your greatness to build in my life this weekend. I can’t do it on my own, but I choose to bend this weekend to seek, savor, and serve You, my great God. This weekend I want to worship You by…

Today’s Prayer:

March 21, 2014God’s Power to Pray For

Today, my mind and emotions want to find my own sinful answers to the pain in my life, but I know that if I seek after You first, I will get so much more than temporary answers. As I write down these places of pain, please heal them and also overshadow them with your greatness … Read More