August 9 – Genesis 37  —  FOCUS ON THE FAMILY

August 9, 2016Daily Reading

“Come on, let us kill him and throw him into one of the cisterns here; we could say that a wild beast devoured him. We shall then see what comes of his dreams.” —Genesis 37:20 Jacob’s family continued the problems of the past. Rebekah favored Jacob over Esau (27:5-6). Then Jacob favored Rachel over Leah … Read More

August 8 – Genesis 36  —  “DISHONORABLE” MENTION

August 8, 2016Daily Reading

“These are the descendants of Esau [that is, Edom]. Esau took his wives from among the Canaanite women.” —Genesis 36:1-2 Genesis’ priestly author ties up the loose ends of this section by giving “dishonorable” mention to Esau and his descendants, the descendants of Seir, and the early kings of Edom. Prayer: Lord, may I not … Read More

August 4 – Genesis 34  —  CHIPS OFF THE OLD BLOCK

August 4, 2016Daily Reading

“Jacob’s sons replied to Shechem and his father Hamor with guile, speaking as they did because their sister Dinah had been defiled.” —Genesis 34:13 After years of trouble, Jacob and his family seemed to be at peace — but not for long. Jacob’s daughter Dinah was raped by the Hivite Shechem. Shechem wanted to marry … Read More

August 2 – Genesis 32  —  BIG-TIME WRESTLING

August 2, 2016Daily Reading

“Jacob was left there alone. Then some Man wrestled with him until the break of dawn.” —Genesis 32:25 Since Jacob had “ripped off” Esau and fled from him twenty years ago, he wasn’t looking forward to a family reunion. Before this encounter, Jacob met a Man Who wrestled with him all night long. Jacob walked … Read More

August 1 – Genesis 31  —  HOME, SWEET HOME

August 1, 2016Daily Reading

“Jacob had hoodwinked Laban the Aramean by not telling him of his intended flight.” —Genesis 31:20 After twenty years of being ripped off by Laban and yet somehow always coming out on top, Jacob decided to go home. After much controversy, Jacob and Laban parted in peace. Prayer: “May the Lord keep watch between you … Read More

July 29 – Genesis 30  —  FIERCE COMPETITORS

July 29, 2016Daily Reading

“When Rachel saw that she failed to bear children to Jacob, she became envious of her sister. She said to Jacob, ‘Give me children or I shall die!’ In anger Jacob retorted, ‘Can I take the place of God, Who has denied you the fruit of the womb?’ ” —Genesis 30:1-2 Jacob had competed with … Read More

July 28 – Genesis 29  —  DIRTY TRICKS

July 28, 2016Daily Reading

“Then Jacob kissed Rachel and burst into tears.” —Genesis 29:11 Jacob got a taste of his own medicine. After he had played a couple dirty tricks on Esau, uncle Laban cheated him out of the bride whom Jacob had worked seven years to marry. On the wedding night, Laban replaced Rachel with Leah. So Jacob … Read More

July 27 – Genesis 28  —  STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN

July 27, 2016Daily Reading

“May He extend to you and your descendants the blessing He gave to Abraham, so that you may gain possession of the land where you are staying, which He assigned to Abraham.” —Genesis 28:4 Jacob received the same promise as his grandfather Abraham. Jacob saw a stairway to heaven, and God promised that a great … Read More