Ephesians 4:2-3 “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make
every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”

I’m writing this as a disgruntled employee. I share that with you at the beginning so you understand that you are not alone. Let me ask you a simple question. When you “check in” at work do you “check out” with God?

When I first read those verses, I asked God how it related to praying for my workplace. Now I understand that being humble, gentle, patient and bearing with one another in love (yes, one another includes all your co-workers) could only be achieved through prayer. Praying opens up the communication line between you and God. It allows God to soften your heart, mature your spirit and reach out to the world around you – including your workplace.

Maybe your job is one of the hardest places to consistently lift in prayer. You might believe it’s just a means to an end. As long as you show up and put in a full day’s work, you’re right with God. But I believe God is calling His people to reach those who are around us every day who need to know Jesus. Your workplace is more than a “job” – it’s your mission field. This year, may each of us resolve to committed prayer for our workplaces.

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