Do you allow Jesus to help you when you are having a really hard day? If so, how does He make your day better?
Month: April 2014
Today’s Prayer:
Dear Jesus, help me follow You in the storms of my life and I ask that You would show me how You are greater than the storms …
Daily Question
Remind someone that is in the storms of life that God will be faithful to help them overcome (John 16:33). Do the same for your prayer partner.
Today’s Prayer:
Dear Jesus, forgive me for complaining about the giants in the Promised Land and teach me to have faith in facing them. Today, I thank you for the chance to believe You for …
Daily Question
Share with your prayer partner a place where you realize you have been living in fear instead of faith.
Tuesday – Daily Questions
Do you believe that God is big enough to help you overcome your fears? What fears do you need God to help you with?
Monday – Daily Questions
Are you a leader or a follower? Are you leading people to Christ through your actions?
Today’s Prayer:
Dear Jesus, help every part of my life shine Your love. Be the center of my day and especially help me be Your leader to the following people …
Daily Question
What people in your life do not know Christ and how can you begin to be a spiritual leader in their lives in practical ways?
Daily Question
How is God calling you to be faithful in the small things of life so He can bless others through you in a big way? Share it with your prayer partner.