Following THE King?

Samuel serves as the bridge leader between the judges and kings of Israel. Here, the elders have come to Samuel to ask for a king (v5). This request distressed Samuel greatly, not because his sons, who should have been Samuel’s successors, had strayed away from the Lord, but because the Hebrew leaders desired to be like the other nations governed by an earthly King.

Samuel models faith when he goes to the Lord for prayer and discernment about how to respond (v. 6-9). Chances are, if you’re reading this, you call yourself a Christian. How do you know if you’re truly following the true King in faith?

  1. In Obedience- Romans 6:16-18 helps us to understand our faith is tied to consistently living as a slave to Christ. This means you’ve given up your right to live your own way. Samuel’s sons had chosen their own path (v. 3), so Samuel takes a possible step of faith by consulting the Lord.
  1. Through Prayer- When struggles comes, whom or where do you turn to first? People’s opinion? Online? Do you surrender to your emotions? Samuel brought his concerns to the Father.

Do you have a clear vision of how the Father is directing your day-to-day steps? Samuel didn’t. But Samuel did have a clear vision to follow the true, heavenly King. Samuel took possible steps of faith by seeking the Lord in prayer, and following him in obedience by appointing a king.

Are you following THE King?


Jason Marshall

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