What do we call a land without water? A desert.

What do we call a life without the living water, Jesus? A desert.

In knowing what happens to life and land without any water or living water, there is still hope. All of us have had moments in life where we get dry in our walk with Christ and have known that a simple rush of water would provide healing. We must remember to keep this in mind as we face our daily struggles, the harsh hits of the enemy and the sometimes cruel things in this world. We must not just know, but rather we must believe that Jesus, the living water, is always on the horizon.

So how do we as a Church family step up and go to these dry people and dry places on this earth? Well, it’s simple; we gather together and start working. This week in service we reviewed some of the deserts where Cornerstone is bringing living water. The Shady Hill ministry was discussed as our local desert, and Ethiopia was reviewed in detail as our global desert. Are you involved in these areas?

In order to better understand how to “press in” to these areas, we reviewed five simple steps. The first was that deserts are dry and in desperate need of water. The second was that we are not to fear, but become the light and water to these dry places. The third was now that we have the knowledge of where water is in need; we must press in and give more of ourselves. We must get out of our comfort zones! The fourth was learning that streams happen when God’s people are engaged. And finally we know that when God’s people go as called, people rejoice! (Isaiah 35:1-10)

So get up and go! Continue to press in and be living water!

Bryan Van Slyke

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