Acts 6:1-12
By this time in the book of Acts, the church of Jesus is growing at a rapid rate. People in that day are getting saved, healed, and transformed by the hundreds daily. However, there is one problem with growth, it comes with issues. The first issue that the church encountered was the widows of that day were being neglected. The church had become so busy in preaching that they begin to forget about the widows. Back in biblical times it was not uncommon for widows to starve to death because they did not have the means or opportunity to work for themselves. This issue was solved by appointing seven men to serve the widows and other caring needs the church had. The second issue was Stephen had become so known for the works of God in his life that the enemy took notice, and Stephen was arrested.
The early church faces problems that we often face in our personal lives. We can become so busy working and living for God that we can easily forget to care for people around who are in need. One thing the early church did is that they put structures in the church (deacons) so that no matter how busy they got, the people was always cared for. What structures could you put in your life to make sure you are always caring for people around you? It could be your schedules, praying for people, or even making a list to encourage people daily.