Mark 9:28-29 NLT
Afterward, when Jesus was alone in the house with his disciples, they asked him, “Why couldn’t we cast out that evil spirit?” Jesus replied, “This kind can be cast out only by prayer.”
We often fail to help others when we try to meet their need out of our strength. Well meaning, our efforts fall short of lasting change. The disciples came face to face with their own limitations when they when they could not help a distressed man with his son’s spiritual affliction. Even worse, the man began to doubt that Jesus could help him because of the lack of spiritual authority in his disciples. Jesus is ready to fill us, to serve those around us through our lives, if we will draw near to God in prayer.
Other Passages: Isaiah 40:29-31; Mark 10:27; Acts 1:4, 8
Prayer: God, I want to know you. I want to live a life shaped by your promises. I pray today you will fill me with you Spirit, equip me to serve those around me for your glory.