Genesis 22:9-14
The Scriptures in the Old & New Testament model a God who always provides just what we need. This well-known story from Genesis tests Abraham desire to follow God in obedience by offering his own son as a sacrifice to God. How did Abraham PRAYfirst for the provision he needed?
- He prayed with faith. There will always be times when God asks us to believe for things we do not have provisions to accomplish.
- He did not doubt. Abraham believed in what he could not see despite the question of his own son (vs. 8)
- He knew that God had generously provided for Him in the past. Just as God had provided a son to Abraham at a very late age, he knew God would not turn away from His promise to make Abraham’s family a great nation.
Meditate on the phrase from vs. 14- ‘The Lord will provide’. Material possessions, money, and good relationships begin & end with Jesus. Pray and ask God to provide for your needs (relationally, materially, physically, spiritually) today. Then, ask God to give you opportunities to be generous with what He has given you. You are meant to generously share and give life to others through Christ. How is God calling you to be generous today?