Luke 18:1

Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.


A lifestyle of persistent prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:17) is understood throughout the early church. But Jesus had a greater purpose here. We can become easily discouraged when what or who we pray for, over and over again, doesn’t change. The persistent widow had no rights, no influence, and no way to pay for the justice she asked for from the wicked judge. Yet, God intervened on her behalf as she refused to lose heart. How do we not lose heart?

  1. Keep praying- Prayer invites God’s presence to fill you with the Holy Spirit.
  2. Believe in God’s Word daily. Just as a long-distance runner needs months of training to run a race, a mature faith in Jesus must learn how to continually trust in God’s daily Word.
  3. Choose God’s perspective vs. our perspective- God’s perspective looks different than our own, and He sometimes works in ways where there seems to be no way. Trust Him to shape your perspective to be eternal rather than on what’s temporary.
  4. Wait on the Lord. There is a joy, strength, and endurance God wants to birth in you through prayer.

Who do you need to be persistent in prayer for? What do you need to be persistent in prayer about? How can a persistence in prayer strengthen your faith to never give up? #PrayFirst!

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