“Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” (Ephesians 5:1-2)
Don’t give up on loving people. Many of us are tired of trying to love the people around us because we don’t feel like it “works.” Truth be known, the type of “love” we are serving up is what isn’t working!
So, let me solve your problem of feeling like loving someone isn’t working or worth it anymore:
Stop serving people “your” love (based on the world’s values and your feelings) and start giving them Jesus (God’s love).
The reason you give up on loving people stems from giving them the wrong thing the wrong way. Your effort to “love” people is wearing you out. You need to love them God’s way. When God loved the world, He gave Jesus to be their Savior. Real love serves other people by giving them Jesus. Only Jesus is greater than any problem and will be faithful regardless of how many times a person falls. Only Jesus will bring true healing, change, or hope that will not fade away. So, don’t give up on serving. Just don’t serve anything less than Him. Jesus is God’s will for every person, despite his or her lack of faith or familiarity with Him.