Luke 3:22
This word captures the essence of the relationship within the Trinity. The Father was well-pleased with his Son. The Holy Spirit bore witness to that fact here in Luke, revealing to us the Trinity present in all His forms- a rare sight in the Bible.
This same word is used to mean “well-contented” (2 Corinthians 12:10). In other words, God was content with His Son. His Son was enough- no need for more striving, more sacrifices, more appeasement- more. There was peace in their relationship.
Can you picture what a relationship with perfect peace and contentment would be like?
And have you grasped that this is the type of relationship offered to us through Christ Jesus and His sacrifice? That a relationship of peace and contentment between us and God was the reason for the cross? This type of relationship was the only kind worth dying for.
Even more, God was well-pleased just to offer us that peace. Jesus says the Father is “well-pleased” to give us the Kingdom (Luke 12:32). And the indwelling Spirit of God is supposed to be a witness to God’s peace with us.
God looks at you through Christ and is well-pleased. He is content to be with us- imperfect, mortal, unbalanced, forgetful, nearsighted, quick to doubt, quick to slumber, stuck-in-our past—yes that us.
Today- don’t move past the relationship God is offering you to quickly. Don’t move past the peace He is offering you. And let this devotional lead you to a conversation of prayer with the God who is well-pleased to offer you His Kingdom.