“When was the last time your behavior supported your beliefs?” –Pastor Brandon Baldwin
This was one of the many tough questions I went away with after Church yesterday. It is still hitting me hard even as I write this now. As I continue to reflect on this question, here are a few areas of our lives to consider.
Every morning you are faced with the option of sleeping in or waking up and giving some time to God. Everyday you must consider the way you respond and communicate with the people around you. Every night you have the choice of either dull entertainment or actively engaging with your spouse, family or friends. Through these three short examples you can see how many opportunities you have each day to either lead yourself, those you work with and those who are closest to you.
How will you choose to lead? Remember, your intentions are useless without action.
In Luke 15:4-7, Jesus shows us an example of how his behavior matched his beliefs. As a “lowly” shepherd, he stood up to the Pharisees and taught them about true leadership. Jesus wasn’t afraid of their reactions; he was only concerned with leading His lost sheep. He knew what to do and he did it.
How many of you are willing to take the same bold steps?
Speaking of bold steps, Pastor Shawn has taken measures to make sure Cornerstone has a way for you to lead yourself and the lost sheep everyday. His new 40 Day Devotional, “Everyday Begins with Jesus” is a great way to attack the three examples above. By waking up just a few minutes earlier, you can spend quality time with God. The stories and teachings you read will give you a solid base for the day and maybe even some speaking items for the people you come into contact with during your day. And at the end of the day, you can review and discuss the devotional with your spouse, family or friends.
The devotional will be an effective way to make sure you behaviors stay in line with your beliefs.
Don’t keep waiting for the lost to come to you. Take up your Cross and start actively engaging in seeking the lost sheep. And start preparing your heart now for the upcoming 40 Day Devotional.
Bryan Van Slyke
Check out more of Bryan’s writings at Manturity.com