The Gospel says that John was sent from God with a definite purpose, “to bear witness of the Light.” Bearing witness means to testify or give a truthful report.
And the purpose of his witnessing was that those who heard His witness would believe – believe in the true or real Light of Jesus Christ. All of us believe and are following a light of some kind. We all allow our path to be “illuminated” by something and then set our heart, soul, mind and strength on following that which appears to lead to peace and happiness. But all lights other than Jesus are false and are leads to destruction. Our life, without even trying, gives witness to the light we are following.
Let’s commit to following the absolute true Light of Christ without any hesitation or reservation. Let’s never allow our life or our ministry to be elevated such that others begin to follow us instead of Christ. Rather, let’s make certain that every area of our life is a witness which points to Jesus as the way, the truth, and the One and only real Light.
Pastor Rowena