THURSDAY, January 13
Acts 1.8
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
This verse serves as a kind of compass outline for the rest of Luke’s book. In the process of revealing Jesus’ promise that the Holy Spirit would come and indwell His disciples, he gave emphasis and importance to where they were and where they would be as they followed the leading of the Holy Spirit. This map is greater than they could imagine.
According to Justo González, the disciples “are discovering, by means of the Spirit, that the reign of God is much wider than they themselves thought or expected.” In waiting they will have their expectations of the Spirit and the mission of God widen to the very ends of the earth.
Way to Worship
Celebrate Jesus as the Lord of all creation, the King above all kings, Hosanna in the highest and over all peoples (Matthew 21.9). Lift your arms and voice in praise!
Suggested Song:
Hosanna by Brooke Lingertwood
Hosana cantada por Cia do Louvor
Way to Wait
Intercede for a new generation to embrace the good news of Jesus across the globe. Name people and people groups out loud as you pray for them.
Now, be still and listen to the voice of the Lord showing you how much wider His reign is. How is He calling you to celebrate His Lordship in the lives of those around you?