The First Gospel
When we think about “The Gospel” (good news) we automatically think about Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John found in the New Testament. However, Genesis 3:14-15 gives us a first glimpse of how God understands of the struggles of life that we go through. This verse declares that God’s kingdom will be established in its fullness once Satan is destroyed.
God knew our struggles from the beginning. Many times we think that God is far away and do not know the struggles of sin that come along with this life. However, he knows our struggles, hurts, and disappointments. Jesus fulfilled the promise of Genesis 3:15. In this holiday season know that God has been aware of your struggles from the beginning of time. Growing up whenever I got hurt I ran to my mom crying not because I knew she could fix me all the time, but I just wanted her to know I was in pain. Let us all be comforted by knowing that our heavenly father knows our pain.