“Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” (Matthew 6:12)
Simply put, a lack of forgiveness in a relationship means it isn’t Jesus- centered. When you hold onto unforgiveness, there is no way Jesus can be at the center of your relationship or your heart. Biblically, it is impossible, although in the church world it seems normal.
Most people know that biblical forgiveness is also based on the reality that we can forgive because Christ has forgiven us. But what most people don’t often also realize is that biblical forgiveness is also based on the fact that no sin against us is greater than God’s power to bless us. In Christ, no person can rob us of God’s future—even though people’s sinful choices may cost us greatly as we victoriously journey through life. No person can take what Christ died to give us in this life and in the life to come.
We see this principle time and time again in the Bible. Joseph becomes great in Egypt despite his brothers’ sinful choices. Peter and Paul become the leaders of the Early Church despite the sinful choices in their past. David becomes king despite the lies and evil in Saul’s heart.
Today can be a brand new day for you if you take your pain and the losses of life out of the center of your heart and replace them with Jesus’ forgiveness and grace. You can’t be loved any more than Jesus loves you and no one can take from you what Jesus died to give you.