TUESDAY, January 18

Acts 1.15-17

“In those days Peter stood up among the believers (a group numbering about a hundred and twenty) and said, ‘Brothers and sisters, the Scripture had to be fulfilled in which the Holy Spirit spoke long ago through David concerning Judas, who served as guide for those who arrested Jesus. He was one of our number and shared in our ministry.’”

The 120 disciples were joined together in prayer with expectancy (Acts 1.14). The word used for the nature of their prayer was the same used when they held the boat ready for Jesus as the crowds pressed closer and closer to hear His word and experience His healing (Mark 3.9). Through these days they bent their hearts and minds, like holding a boat against the rolling waves on the shore, ready for the promise of the Father.

As Peter demonstrates, the gathered followers of Jesus rooted their prayer in the Scripture, prayerfully seeking to make sense of their current reality in the words of the prophets and psalmists. Peter clearly felt it was time to address “the elephant in the room,” the underlying pain and confusion many felt, being in the same upper room where Judas had abandoned them to betray Jesus.

Way to Worship

In these verses we see Peter trying to reconcile the painful betrayal the disciples had felt in the actions of Judas. In the words of King David’s poetic prayers, Peter sought to hold on to Christ’s command to wait like he had with the boat on the shores of Galilee.

Suggested Song:

            It is Well by Horacio Spafford


Tengo paz en mi ser cantada par Kari Jobe


Way to Wait

Sit with the words of the hymn It is Well. Let them press against the waves that are buffeting the boat of your faith. In the tension of waiting with expectancy for the move of the Spirit, seek His healing in those places deeply effected by unresolved hurt.

What areas of unresolved pain is the Holy Spirit bringing to focus? Give them to Him once again and share that with a trusted friend.