God sent the plague of frogs, gnats, and flies yet, each time a plague struck Egypt, the Pharaoh would promise to let the Israelites go if God would remove the plague. Although God would remove the plague, Pharaoh’s heart would still become hardened and he would not release the Israelites.
When we are disconnected from God, we allow sin to come in and lead us down a path where our hearts can become hardened. It’s important for us to be continually connected to God through prayer and the reading of His word. Keeping in tune and in step with God is important! God knew exactly how Pharaoh would respond and used it to accomplish His purpose. God also knew the process it would take in order for the Israelites to be free. He knows the plans He has for you and me. When we become disconnected from Him we leave ourselves wide open to the enemy. We need God on a continual basis to help us to make the right decisions and choices. We complicate things more when we work outside of Him. Thank Him for His mercy and grace! Communicate with Him daily!
Pastor Anedra