In Exodus 6 God tells Moses what He’s already done and what He will do to set Israel free. He also shares what that freedom will ultimately bring; relationship. A relational freedom was available for the ancient Hebrews and through Christ it remains and is enhanced for believers today.
What was holding them (and us) back? Egypt was enslaving the Jews, but our “captors” today are as varied as we are. Some need freedom from anxiety, others from secret sins; still others need freedom from past hurts. But no matter the chain that binds us, the Lord is the only One who can facilitate freedom.
Moses knew that he couldn’t free the Israelites; it’d have to be God. It’s the same for us; we need God to step in and bring the divine influence needed to shatter the chains that slow us down and keep us distanced from our Father. To be sure Moses had a part to play, but the ability to truly activate transforming freedom came from God’s hand alone.
So what is our part? God commanded Moses; “Remember what I have already done and watch what I will now do.” He’s also calling us to remember His faithfulness in times past, to walk in obedience today, to draw close and then trust the Lord to break the chains and usher in the freedom that we desperately need, which ultimately brings a new level of relational freedom.
Free us Lord that we may know and love You better!
Pastor Sandy