The Presence of the Lord
The presence of the Lord fills the Tabernacle that Moses built with the help of the Israelites. Before the arrival of the Holy Spirit, God’s people relied on Moses for spiritual guidance. Now, with the arrival of the baptism in the Holy Spirit, all believers following Jesus could be filled with the presence of the Lord for daily living (Acts 1:8-2:1-4). How can we know the presence of the Lord for daily living?
Obedience- We see God’s people assist Moses in the building of the Tabernacle, according to the instructions given by the Word of the Lord through Moses (Ex 39:42-43). Next, Moses erected the temple exactly as God commanded (40:16). Finally, we see Moses went to great lengths to present himself before the Lord only as instructed. Our ability to follow God depends on whether or not we are willing to yield to Him continually in obedience.
Timing- God’s timing is always perfect. When it was time for the Israelites to move, they moved forward. When the Israelites needed to pause, they would wait on the Lord’s direction (40:36-37). The right action at the wrong time is always the wrong action. Be sensitive to God’s timing in every season of life.
Posture- There was always a strict discipline for how Moses and the priests would enter the Temple. It required being present to the point of having no other focus but the Lord himself. As Christians, the Lord is looking for our attention without distractions.
You were made to worship. Let your obedience to Christ, God’s timing, and preparation lead you daily in the Holy Spirit. Then, you will find strength to bow down in the presence of the Lord.
Jason Marshall