Ark of the Covenant

Exodus 37 continues to explain instructions for the building of the tabernacle. It is interesting that God is so specific in what he wants in the tabernacle. One particular item within the tabernacle was the Ark of the Covenant.

The Ark of the Covenant was a gold-covered wooden chest about three and a half feet long and a little over two feet deep and two feet wide. In it was to be placed the covenant, namely, the Ten Commandments. The Ark of the Covenant was the ongoing testimony of God’s commitment to Israel and Israel’s pledge of faithfulness to God. This could be compared to a marriage; the Ark could probably be best compared to wedding rings. Wedding rings are an ongoing expression of mutual covenant commitment. They keep husband and wife present to each other. Through the Ark Israel and God stayed present to each other.

In chapter 25 we discussed that under the New Covenant we are now the tabernacle that God wants to reside in. All of the items in the Old Testament tabernacles represent something that needs to be in our lives. The Ark of the Covenant represents God’s commitment to us and our commitment to God. There is no finish tabernacle without the Ark of the Covenant. Likewise, there is no finished follower of Jesus without commitment to God and his ways.

 Pastor Travis


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