“…If Your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.” ~ Exodus 33:15

This is a bold statement Moses makes before God since the Lord told Moses, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” (v.14) Remember, Moses just came down the mountain to find the Israelites worshiping the golden calf. They sinned against God and Moses interceded on their behalf. He knew that in order to move, they must be in right relationship with God.

There are some key points during Moses’ intercession time still relevant for Christians today to ensure we maintain a right relationship with God:

  • We cannot make this journey alone (v.12) Moses knew someone needed to go with him
  • Ask God to teach you (v.13) We need to spend daily time in His Word and ask for revelation to make sure we are headed in the right direction
  • Moses wasn’t moving without God (v.15) Better to stay in the last place God led you to than to move ahead without Him

Moses knew without God’s Presence, nothing else mattered. And in order for that to happen – the Israelites needed to be right with God. Beloved, before you take a step today, get things sorted with God. Don’t move without Him. You are blessed… God loves you so much He sent Jesus to be a sacrifice and through belief in Him, we are made righteous.

If God’s not going – don’t move until He does.


Kelly McGaha

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