You know the story. Moses is out on the “far side of the wilderness” (v.1) God lights up the bush to get his attention (v.3 – 4). God gives Moses a job (v. 7 -10) and Moses wonders “Why Me?” (v. 11).
It can be challenging to glean a fresh word from a familiar story. As I was reading today, it occurred to me that because I relate easily to how Moses felt, I often stop at his question. God, you want me to do what? Are you sure you have the right person?
Not only did God tell Moses to go back to the place he ran away from, but that he was going to lead out an entire nation. Talk about not feeling equipped! Notice God’s first response, “I will be with you” (v.12a) immediately follows Moses’ question. Moses wanted to focus on his shortcomings. God wanted Moses to focus on Him.
It’s human nature. We want to know how God will do it. We like to know in advance so that we can avoid being embarrassed by our weaknesses. At times, we question God because our faith is weak. But when we face overwhelming circumstances or know that we are not equipped for a task – He is with us.
You see, the divine purpose we were created for is eternally linked to God’s divine presence. So consider this: “I will be with you.” Isn’t that enough for you to trust God for today?
Kelly McGaha