Repentance Often Includes Restitution
The Old Testament (OT) law is filled with 3 types of laws: Ceremonial, Cultural, and ‘Christ’ Laws. While Exodus 22 is filled with Cultural Laws, the Principle of Restitution is clearly illustrated in this passage. Restitution is a forgotten OT principle still applicable in today’s church. Read Luke 19:1-10.
Restitution is God’s way to restore relationships that are broken. In simple terms, restitution is repaying a person for something that was taken away as much as possible, physically or emotionally. For those persons who have committed an offense, restitution helps the guilty person feel pain, bring to light sinful habits, and come to grips with what needs reconciliation in one’s heart. Restitution helps the hurt person with offering forgiveness, experiencing healing, and beginning reconciliation of a damaged relationship.
Full repentance brings us back to God AND to the possibility of restored relationships with those whom we have wronged. Don’t settle for cheap apologies and undealt with sin. Full repentance often includes restitution. Who do you need to apologize to? Do you have sins that need to come to the light of Christ and other believers? Is there someone in your past that needs restitution? If so, then consider if restitution is needed in some aspect of your life. God wants to set you free to live freely in Christ!
Pastor Jason Marshall