After reading today’s passage you may be wondering, “What does this have to do with me? I’m not a Hebrew servant, digging a pit and leaving it uncovered or own a bull that goes around goring people.” I thought the same thing. But after reading the passage again, God revealed how relevant it is for today.

In the previous chapter, God has given the Ten Commandments. Here, God begins to set down laws for the Hebrews to live peacefully together in community. In other words, laws for their everyday lives. So how does a servant, uncovered pit and bull relate to you today? Just as God was concerned with every facet of the Israelites lives, so He is with your life.

We tend to isolate areas of our lives – work, home, family, and friends. Isolation helps it from becoming too messy, easier for us to deal with on our own. This is where Exodus 21 comes in. I believe in this section of Exodus, God reminds us that while He is to be the center of our spiritual lives, He’s not to be separated from the rest of our lives. In order for us to live in community, we must submit ourselves fully to following God’s Word. We cannot live in discontent with our neighbor while worshipping God – it just doesn’t work. We must each strive to live out with the well-being of others placed ahead of our own needs. That’s community God’s way.

Kelly McGaha

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