To Himself
In Exodus 19 the Israelites finally make it to Mount Sinai. Upon arrival Moses went up the mountain to meet God. The LORD called to Moses and told him to tell Israel,
“You yourselves have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I carried you on eagle’s wings, and brought you to myself.”
These words from God call for a closer look. Notice the emphasis on what the Israelites have personally seen. God had liberated them from the Egyptians, from the hand of Pharaoh. They had seen the Nile turned to blood. They had heard the cries of the Egyptians in the middle of the night when God struck down all their firstborn. They had walked through the God-parted sea on dry ground. They had celebrated when God brought the sea down upon the Egyptian army that was hard on their heels.
More, they had experienced the eagle-wing protection of God in the desert. They drank bitter water made sweet. They gathered and ate manna daily. They feasted on quail. They drank from a rock. And they were granted victory over the attacking Amalekites. They knew firsthand the “eagleness” of God.
And what was the purpose of this liberation and eagle-care? To bring justice to an oppressed people? Well, yes, but more. To meet Israel’s needs? Well, yes, but more. To demonstrate God’s awesome power? Well, yes, but more. The more is, “To bring you to Myself.” God’s purpose in all of this has been to bring Israel to Himself. The constant word to Pharaoh, “Let my people go, so that they may worship me.” God is constantly calling us to “himself”. Sometimes we need to be reminded that intimacy with God is all God desires. He saves, delivers, heals, and much more all so that we could have a close relationship with him.
Pastor Travis